Sir, why you sign on~
When the fateful day arrived, 18th July 2007, it marked the return of the prancing horse parade commander's eventual reinstatement as a full time regular serviceman of the Singapore Armed Forces.
As I neared the enterance of Stagmont, just cant help having a nostalgic tinge.... Everything started with a 20 year old chap shouldering a bulging duffel bag, green beret, rugged combat boots arrived at the front gates. He swabbed his browns as he starred into the compounds beyond the guard house, unfazed with what holds for him for the next few years.
Cleared the final 5 months of training and finally he was bestowed with the honour to lead his comrades' commissioning. It meant alot to that young boy at that time. Started off as a quiet, shy introvert who will rather watch and follow the crowds to the contigent commander of 34 officers who looked up and abided to his leadership. Thanks for everything 47 / 02 SOCC, it meant alot to me

The prodigy son returns, just as I enter the office to meet my platoon for the first time, everyone had their sights on me. Thoughts must be racing through their minds as they ponder if their new platoon commander is a merciless slave driver who will throw them infront to block the arrows or a dictator who dishes out extras to suppress any form of disobediance misbehave. Anyway, I dont think I am that harsh a character...AS YET hahaha, so dont push me and try to get into my comfort zone. My stand is, when its a time to work, do it once, do it good. Otherwise, rank casted aside, you cover my back, I'll lead you from the front.
The 22 guys of the company had to know this new PC immediately therefore interviews kicked in. 1 by 1, they had a chance to talk to me as we exhanged stories of each other and of course I shared some of my experiences with them. With a sincere and humble note, I introduced myself to the company and gradually they opened up to me. My personal experience is that it aint easy trying to hardwire 22 new faces into my head in addition their backgrounds, preferences and topics that makes them tick. Nonetheless, I marvel my PR abilities, with 2 weeks, everything is in. Maybe I can consider a career change, any recommendations?
Almost every night, a visit to their quarters became part of my evening routine. Get hold of some of the chaps then engauge from crapping nonsense, feedback to academic and emotional counselling. It gives me more time to know all of them la~ anyway, as they know me better, always receive the question of my penning on the SAVERS contract "sir, why ?"
Still remember the feverish aspiring 2LT within me "So that I can serve, protect and honour my country, my home and most importantly, the ones who i love". Oh come on, how cheesy can that be right? Its not as though I am the poster boy for the next army recruitment campaign.... but one may not believe, true to my heart and even till this day, I am still that ignorant, hot-blooded 2LT who wants, yes I emphasize, WANTS to put himself infront for his country. In an untried military of this miniscular island that calls herself a developed country, I will stand proud infront of the cresent and 5 stars, as the crismson blends with the shimmering white, she is what I call home.
Numerous times, I have been brushed off as brainwashed and faced cynical abuses thrown in the face. Those were daunting times which I question myself why do I succumb to such nonsense? Alas, I know what I want and think I know why I am in the military.
The next time if someone questions me about my dedication to Singapore.... I believe in playing a part for my country's sovereignty and to ensure the guys under my command will learn from their 2 years of conscription instead of wasting their youth away.
marching on~
Steady lah pat!... Majulah singapura man... BTW.. I'm going for NDP 2007... ddoes that count for patriotism!??....hahaha
wah lao.. understudy u win liao. hahahahha. tc lei. heard u super busy. but i kw u can do it. =)
i was the acting outgoing commander for my camp during the hard and you get to stand at the saluting dias and inspect the parade!
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