Thanks for the memories
Returned from my Dive trip, Pulua Dayang. The sandy beaches, crystal clear sea and soothing breeze literally took me from the stressful city to a paradise. Bottom line, I survived! Thanks for the "final" farewells, really have to count my lucky stars for the friends I made.

A glimspe of the dive resort which lies on the sandy beaches
This place doesnt give east coast park a chance at all
A glimspe of the dive resort which lies on the sandy beaches
The ability to breathe underwater is a very unique sensation and the sights are breathe-taking. It was a fun trip definitely. Just look at how clear the waters are! We could see the fishes darting playfully about the corals.
Now I am a qualified diver and driver too, what should i head towards next? Life's a bustling journey laden with dreams, memories and achievements how come I am feeling empty? Its back to the drawing board for the final semester with my FYP. When will my next diving expedition be? am already yearning for another deep sea expedition already =)
Till we meet again my sandy beach, my clear blue waters, miss you~
What I dont see, I dont know
What I dont hear, I dont think
not bad. you added 4 more photos. dayang was fun right? small but definitely packed with the most beautiful memories.
Oooo nice waters....
dammit i need a vacation!
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