The Coolest Vacation
17 days I spent with 4 others fellow SCEGangians, my roomie, Vincent Tan Chih Kai, Spengz the goat together with pet Gecko, Steve See and Xiao Ming. Travelling the grounds of Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand, the bunch of 5 bananas left their traces and trails where-ever we went.
Even with everyone at least a quarter of a century old, I vouch that we behaved like 10 years old where ever we went but it was great, to quote myself "Actcellent!". The 4 years buried in books really suppressed the fun in all of us.
Where can you find 5 grown up man huddle together onto 2 beds after a ghost story session? Pushing each others towards over zealous t-shirt aunties? Picking up someone and ram into the poles? Acting as mongolians so that the street peddlars would give up talkin to us with languages we've never heard of? Torture themselves with tuna canned bus rides with impending bag slides onto them?
Actually, I took back quite alot from this trip. It gave me the opportunity to realise and reflect on the way of life I want. From Vietnam, a developing country to Cambodia, still recovering frm her bitter civil war to Thailand, a prideful nation who hails to their majesty. This 3 different country left different imprints onto me.
I fell in love with this country. The city of Ho Chih Minh is so vibrant and bustling. Like our pulse, their streets literally represents the arteries and veins with vehicles racing non-stop. Wave after wave, its really a spectacle to organized, rule-abidding Singaporeans. Crossing the streets was equilavent to taking the leap of faith! Trust the motorists' manoevering abilities and trust thyself to have chalked up enough karma points.
I feel the trump factor the country have is her youthful citizens. According to census statistics, her citizens average at early 20s. Everywhere I see sweet 16s! No wonder all desperate SG guys are rushing for em, maybe I can send in an application too. Youngsters filled up every occupation available, from a desk-bound white collar to a road sweeper. Its unimaginable for many of us to take upon minion tasks for the rest of our lives. 1 thing common I saw in much of the vietnamses, the fate of resignment. Not given opportunities of advance education, they are stuck with blue collar jobs or to slog it out just to get by from hand to mouth. But there's solace in their eyes as I feel majority knows nothing of how much better (as in material) life can get. The fact potrayed to me was that, the less you know, the happier you are. I find it quite true. The more I know, the more I want, the more I want, the more difficult it is to let go, the more difficult to let things go, the LESS peace in.
Nonetheless, scared badly from the wars with Viet Kongs, the memories of Agent Orange, away from the congested city areas, she bears spectacular landscapes and the rustic feel she gives me just takes my breathe away~ , mark my words, I will be there again....wait for my return.
Corruption runs rampant across the land just like the landmines that are still left unearthed. Travelling on the roads and highways serves as a challenge to the pampered conditions which we are used to. Who ever heard of being unable to fall asleep on a long bus journey and all hands on battle stations when ever the bus trots across a bump, a picture says a thousand word.
The Ang Kor Wat proves to be a gastronomic spectacle A few hundred years for each temple, the area is littered with dozens of such unfathomable man-made marvels! It must had taken generations upon generations for each completion. Cant imagine that the day I am borned, I am destinted to take over my father, grandfather, great grandfather or even furhter up the family branch's legacy to chip on stone blocks then passing onto my desendants this faith till the whole temple can be commissioned by the priests. Wonder if ever I have kids, they'll follow my footsteps?
Cambodia left me with the realization that I am blessed with the free will of choice upon my interest and descretion. We ask each other what we want in our lives, how about asking for the cambodians what they can ask for in the first place. From now, I will take my options with gradtitue and affirmatation.
this place saved my life. The hectic travelling iternary took a toil on my bio-clock and in turn I succumbed to a bout of fever that admitted me into a hospital. Thailand is so much more developed and a happier place than the above 2. Never ever conquered and colonised, I show my admiration to the leaders who have brought this country so far.
My take back at the end of the trip in Thailand, friends are there for a reason. To lend a listening ear, slap back senses into us if we strayed, give us a motivative boost when u are feeling drained, a hand to pull you back onto your feet, to look out for your back.
I hate goodbyes therefore there are times I dont like to get too close. When someone steps into my comfort zone, i just dread the day he/she will leave. Life's like a bus journey, ppl board onto the bus and sit down beside, infront, behind or around. Conversations may spark off from a simple smile and blossom into chirpy exchanges and into an endless dialog. Then, when his/her stop arrives before yours, they'll wave goodbye till the next person decides to sit beside and start things all over again. Will you ever get someone to take the bus with you and alight together? Heaven knows~
Alas, my deepest appreciation to the members of TCV! Spengz, you showed a new side of me that had always been hiding away. CK, you brought me the best semester as my roomie. Gecko, your non-chalant attitude yet determined nature turns me on. XiaoMing, your altruistic nature of coaching have my utmost respect. As for the 2 ladies, PC and XY, both of you rock! Talk about being hardcore, the 2 girls bag a bigger backpack than all the guys.... we are all put to shame haha, Kudos manz
It was a great ride with all of you....even when its over, the memories will always linger
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