Touched by 3 angels
You know, sometimes... it aint an easy job handling with kids. For my case, it took up the stamina of my army career's training to keep up with 3 little devilish little nephews of mine.
Brought them to the island of sentosa where they were shown the magical aquatic creatures of the underwater world. With each new creature they encountered, their shrieks of excitment and tugging of my fingers and pants followed along. Their little eyes swatting around the tank, left and right, up and down... all over and around. Entralled by the amazing fact they are lookng at live and BIG fishes. Shi Hui (oldest) was so captivated by the hologram great white, she didnt wanted to leave the site... their innocent faces and questionable tones just reminded me of those innocent times of mine where I couldn't even differenciate frm left to right.
Next stop was to the pink dolphins but whilst waiting for the showtime, the kids decided to have a go at the waves of the lagoon. Had my fair share of smiles when I drop them into the waves which invited ear drum bursting decibels. I am not the villian over there ok... while they had been equipped with extra clothings, I was sabotaged by them clawing all over me with their wet and soggy hands. In the end.... I had to endure the show with wet pants while they washed up, clean and comfortable for the show.
The field trip ended when we reached the hawker center for dinner and I left off earlier to meet my pals DM and JQ where my mum brought those kid for a little shopping(I left 50 bucks for my mum to get them something... I am an overage teen, how would I know what kids fancy except bashing me up and screaming into my ears).
Received a call this afternoon after lunch. The usual laughters and screams filled the ear piece... i heard the 3 of them fighting over the phone... it was hilarious. A simple "Thank You".... 2 words.... 2 geniune simple worlds from the innocent kids of those 3 angels, melted my heart. The tedious task of bringing them out was rewarded instantly... I smiled. Thank you the 3 mischevious angels of mine.