Sunday, October 20, 2024

My new Superpower

A Primary school teacher charted out my education path many years back:
- Primary School 6 years
- Secondary 4 years
- JC 2 years
The horrors of studying for another 12 when i was only 10 !

Studious is never a descriptive I held for myself, now at 43... i kinda invested 20 years which is 1/2 my life studying (primary -> secondary -> poly -> uni -> post grad dip -> masters). I gotta flex this achievement of mine abit.

It was a coaching session i attended when i was 29, the session was amazing... the trainer just had to talk and engage, banter or joke with the trainees to keep us awake. I thought to myself "This looks like something I wanna do in the future".
I always enjoyed connecting with people, share my experience and impart knowledge to my audience.
It was a seed that was planted many many years ago.

This week marks my 1st month as a Lecturer

Looking at blank faces, uninterested expressions at the first class definitely aint the best welcome but with the gradual interactions, the students are warming up to me. Teaching in ITE feels like engaging kittens at a cat cafe.

Approach too fast, even the curious one may scamper away. If you just sit there waiting, the students wont even make any efforts to know you since I am in their territory. One has gotta earn the trust and approach these chillax "kittens"

My first lesson was just so memorable.
Slides prepared, Lesson plan charted, rehearsed and equipment all set up. Students streamed in gradually on time too.
"Good Morning Class, I will be teaching you Design Thinking for this term ..." at this moment, *poof*
Power Trip! Projector was out ....and it stayed out for the next 1 hour.
If I told you i have prepared for Murphy, I'll be a lying yet Life has prepared me well, despite the technical issues i managed to keep my cool and just transited to a practical activity instead.

As experience builds up with the lessons, I kinda gotten the hang of the tempo and requirements.
As an academic staff, everything I do now is for the students and the conduct of my lessons. No more barrage of emails and mindless meetings to attend to.

I would have never dared venture to this milestone if not because of Amber's statement "You like to talk to people, why dont you teach back at ITE" Thanks to my superwoman, I have a new Superpower now

you can call me "Cher~"