Thursday, September 27, 2007

From a broader view

As I performed my duties tonight, an engaging conversation reminded me of how as individuals, near sighted and only reacting to what happens infront of us. Time and time again, we rant on looking at the bigger picture, bird eye view, look far ahead and dont dwell upon the tainted spot.

PC of 3 platoon, guardian to 26 men, its really been a rollercoaster, jammed packed end to end action to every weekend's arrival. Everyday, arrows rain down, emails like flood plains keep bursting their banks and taskings just keeps piling up. There you go, perfect senario to finger point at someone as the stress level escalates. Of course, the "culprit", as always we love to hate, my boss!

Day in day out, i complain, i whine, i grunt at how screwed up the management is, how inefficient the whole system has became, how things were so wonderful as before, how moronic and insensitive my boss is.

How about I paint u another picture.
1) Your main tasking is to emplace a system to ensure the smooth operation of a company which has been ear marked to campaign into new grounds where future branches would depend greatly upon within the organization.
2) Your immediate subordinates are inadequately trained in terms of technical knowledge.
3) Your subordinate has made a severe mistake, so as not to ruin his future as he still has a long way to go, you take up the rap for him
4) Ever since tainted by soakin up the rap, your reputation has been casted into the gutters for being a incompetant commander.
5) Your immediate subordinates have yet learnt from their lessons and still aint or incapable of pulling up their socks, even when u had offered a hand.

2 hours, I had another perspective and view of that someone I dreaded and cursed upon. An officer who has the foresight, technically gifted, leading by example. As a commander, he is a role model, looking far ahead, all for the better of the battalion, never once lamenting on how he has been wronged. His commitment and forbearance for his mission....

For he deserves everyones' salute
Until they realise
You have my utmost respect SIR


Saturday, September 22, 2007

Happy birthday

18th September of every year is a unique day which the world welcomed my presence. Cakes, songs, cheers, presents n well wishes will follow whenever anyone's birthday arrives. Ever since my enlistment to the military cohort, I had spent my 20th in pulau tekong, 21st in stagmont camp, took a break of 4 years n had 4 civilian celebrations before I resumed my lastest 26th at Nee Soon range firing upon targets for my ATP.

I had range practice on 17th, actual test on 18th, duty on 19th which meant i could only be "released" from my work on the 20th. What more can you expect from a diligent n dedicated soldier right.... not by choice, hell yeah~!

Just as I was typing out my report, i saw my platoon storming into the OPS room. Yes, 2330hrs, they ought to have lights out and in bed, what the **** are they awake. As all those pairs of eager eyed guys gazed upon me, my mind was swirling what would happen to me. Will i get stripped, or colored with pastels or caked with flour...hahhaa

A few exchange of words, I was presented with my gift. Oh my, the gesture of theirs really touched me but I had to uphold my dignity to hold back tears and shook everyone's hands. Really meant alot to me that those chaps remembered or bothered to find out thats why i decided not to charge them for disobeying general orders adhereing to lights out timing hahaha.

Its these things in my job which really keeps me going. Regardless how must sh*t I face, recognition and appreciation is what i crave n fueled upon. What a narcisist I am....tsk tsk, but thats who I am I guess.

Thanks a million guys
