Saturday, November 18, 2006


It could be the simplest stepping out on the left or right to life changing events of what career to venture. A simple yes or no may determine a person's future. Choices are part and parcel of life and right from the start where we made the decision to take in the first breathe, choices have to be made.

"I didnt have a choice" When was the last time you felt that you didnt wanted things to start/end that way? Many a times, I felt I was a victim of circumstances and had to follow the crowd to blend into the environment. There's a saying, one should always adapt to the environment and not make the environment suited to you. Individuals who go for the latter are most of the time, spoilt brats who are filthy rich or just simplily "actively disengaged"(bo chap). The rat race... the strive for academic excellence, to get the dream girl, land the dream job pave a future of bright lights and wonders.

Yap, I admit... I was and am still one of the "rodents" in the vicious cycle. My personal experience of not being able to follow my heart and do what i desire leaves a bitter taste every single time. Ppl should learnt frm experiences and improve through mistakes, what was my take back with every "choice" made for me.

< No Regrets >

The worst thing in life is not unable to earn big bucks or make a name for one self, but never having the chance or attempt to try. The shadows of the past will come haunting as one lament "If only I tried..." Of course, there are consequences for making the wrong choices... From my stand, as long as I am able to face up to the "damages" incurred, I will face the music, because I need to face myself in the future. I can hold my head high to say that I have failed but tried! A fool's answer some may actually say, why would you attempt something impossible due to a moment of folly? Thats what makes PatriX unique =)

A series of decisions, tumbbling from wrong turns of life, guided onto the right routes I think I made it so far I hope can be proud of myself. The future aint bleak, because I know I have learnt how to make my choices.

I chose to smile, because you were around
Even when the chips are down, hope still seem abound
I chose to say instead of pray, even if there wont be a day
Even with the skies grey, I'll still be gay
I chose to love than never had, even if that was something I will never have

When was the last time you decided for yourself?


Friday, November 10, 2006

If we hold on together

Now we all know why the last year of the University era is called the Final year. Blink of an eye, the first paper of my final year semester 1 awaits me! Recounting the time, its been a 3 plus year journey of part 2 of my tertiary education in NTU. Aint a stroll in the park, more like a bumpy one way roller coaster with sudden dips and dives every now and then.

Of course, friends! The ppl i met, my SCEGANG! My birthday wish wasnt the typical "i want a gf" or "i hope that crush accepts me" but "Let's ride out the final year together in 10, leave no man behind"

If wishes do come true, this should be the one... but gentlemen, we dont wait for things to happen. We Make Things Happen.

We started this journey, from each his best and yet as one now let us complete the final phase together.