Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Feeling under fire

Ever felt down and out? When everything just aint going your way, suppressed and depressed. I think I am just totally stressed out, thats what I am feeling now.

The FYP aint gaining on any results, sometimes I wonder if its me finding excuses or I aint trying hard enough. I really want to make things work, but just cant find the inspiration. The deadline and self-imposed expectation is really taking a drain over me, I can feel it.

Everyone must be feeling the same way, this is the last final hurdle of 4 years... I've came too far to stumble. Root me on

Outta juice,

Monday, October 16, 2006

Relativity of the mind

Some things are better left unsaid, some stuff are better left unravelled, I opened the pandora box , things would never be the same? Alike the biblical story, pandora opened the box and released lots of nasty stuff. Regardless the number of times the pandora box had been tampered with, as long as the essence contained within had not been let go. I think thats why ppl always say "Never lose hope"

Currently at the 3rd quarter of my year 2006, its been quite an eventful journey. Riding the rollercoaster of life right now as to compare with my initial university life. Attempted stuff which I never would think I will, accomplished tasks which I will be able to mark milestones and be proud of, just have to say that its a rather enriching period.

Time does flies when a person is occupied. Like how during the exam preperations, I will lose track of the dates and time only fully concentrating on studies and revisions. Or how about when having fun? As a kid time really sprints when indulging ourselves to playtime... I still remember being able to jam 4hour periods to Counter Striking. Getting old....

As of now, so many stuff are in my head.... so many things i wanna do, words I wanna say. =)

Things happen for a reason and sometimes shit just happen, but regardless the outcome.... no regrets i guess.

p/s: I finally will be able to achieve my IPPT gold! 9:48 for my 2.4KM can you believe it? Its all in the mind.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Things happen for a reason

是不是什么事情的发生都有一个原应呢?25岁的为何还是那么天真... 那么多的风风雨雨也是照旧回头望望,微笑后依然往前迈向未来的路。遇到了小错则...可能是我的要害吧,真的真得很失落,失望 beyond words.
