MoVe IT~!
Its been donkey ages since the last post and I am certain the fan base rating for this site has pummel to an all time low =)

Boy...did things happen! I quote her "Everything just felt so right", YEP! She's right. It may seem like a rushed job, the courtship, ROM, wedding, dinner, setting up AND renovating our home, moving in...everything was completed within the span of 1 year. Trust me... it was a great way to rediscover ownself and one another.
Many had probed, on the difference between singlehood and being married, how come so fast, how did we manage to meet such tight deadlines. I didnt seriously reflected on the points and simply responsed I was blessed to find Amber as my mate (which I still think was a major factor) as she multi-tasks and pushes me with all the information, just leaving me with nodding or shaking my head hahaha. It was motivation. The motivating factor of actually doing something you owe, rightfully yours and only yours. Everything fell onto us, be it big decisions on budget / venue / parental approval to minute details on whats the colour of the petals...every second and minute belonged to us. And it felt great!
A recent incident, a review by my boss, reaffirmed my lack of initaitive and motivation... if only this conversation happened earlier...much earlier... like 1 year back but nonetheless it aint too late for things to change AND happen! Returning home everyday to see my MianFen Brothers and Wife, proves a track record that everything happens for a reason... and that is motivation and commitment. thank you the 3 of ya
We shadow each others life, literally, thus we'll never walk alone
I ought to post more photos of what has been happening around and make effort to revive this site. TIll then
Keep on Moving, moving, moving ~~!!!
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